My name is Shaelin Greenleaf. I was born in the Kingdom of DullenDirk in the Elven Realm of Alfheim (Alf-hi-mer). I say I was born there.. but I don’t live there. I live in the realm of Earth. Humans, werewolves, witches, and Vampires. They live in relative harmony..with wars among the humans… and wars among the other three species. Odd bunch!
My father banished me on my sixteenth birthday. I had discovered it was he, who killed my mother. He blamed me for it.. because I wasn’t a boy at birth. He remarried. To an awful woman!! She was able to give him two sons. Good for him! The whole family of four are slimy elves..all of them with self-serving agendas.
He wants me dead. It’s impossible for elves to kill their own blood relatives.. but they can hire it done! I am next in line for the throne.. and my father. Callan Greenleaf, wants my brother, Galbhor, to ascend. Guess what? So do I! I have no intention being Queen to a bunch of elves who consort with the Dark and Blood elves of the realm!
I was refused an audience with our Lord Corellon.. because (my father’s words) I was not allowed to spew my vitriol to anyone!
And I was banished.. to the Outlands.. but Fuck That! I found a mirror and opened a portal to anywhere but there! Which was here! And now, they’ve found me!
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